在墨西哥咖啡种植场很普遍的三种食虫蝙蝠之一的Micronycteris microtus。(图片来源:Science)
Margareta Kalka及其同事对巴拿马低地森林地区进行选择性的网覆,以达到在一日里的某些时间内将鸟类及蝙蝠隔离在网覆范围之外的目的。他们发现,蝙蝠确实能够显著降低昆虫的数量。在受到网覆保护的地区内,他们发现食草活动增加了,因为在网覆保护下,由于蝙蝠无法捕食昆虫,导致了食草昆虫的兴旺繁衍。Kimberly Williams Guillén及其同事发现,当他们在某墨西哥咖啡种植园某些地区进行网覆后也看到了类似的效应。他们发现在整个一年中,蝙蝠在控制昆虫种群数量上的作用与鸟类同样重要。研究人员表示,随着蝙蝠数量的减少,像咖啡种植这样的农业生产可能会失去蝙蝠在控制昆虫方面所提供的关键性的“生态系统服务”。(来源:EurekAlert!中文版)
(Science),Vol. 320. no. 5872, p. 70,Kimberly Williams-Guillén,John Vandermeer
Bats Limit Insects in a Neotropical Agroforestry System
Kimberly Williams-Guillén,1* Ivette Perfecto,1 John Vandermeer1,2
Exclosure experiments have demonstrated the effects of bird predation on arthropods. In a Mexican coffee plantation, we excluded foliage-gleaning bird and bat predators from coffee plants. Effects of bats and birds were additive. In the dry season, birds reduced arthropods in coffee plants by 30%; birds and bats together reduced arthropods by 46%. In the wet season, bats reduced arthropods by 84%, whereas birds reduced them by only 58%. We conclude that previous "bird" exclosure experiments may have systematically underestimated the effects of bats.
1 School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
2 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.