这项研究名为“早鸟计划”(Early Bird Project),由美国国家自然科学基金会(NSF)资助,它从所有现存主要鸟类群体中收集了DNA数据。目前为止,研究人员已经建造并分析了核DNA序列的超过32个千碱基,它们来自169种鸟类的DNA上的19个不同位点。
研究参与者、美国路易斯安那州立大学自然科学博物馆的Chris Witt说:“这一论文朝着确定鸟类谱系中主要分枝间进化关系的目标迈出了巨大的一步,它利用DNA序列推断了发生在几千万年前的鸟类分化的关键事件。”(生物谷www.bioon.com)
Science,Vol. 320. no. 5884, pp. 1763 – 1768,Shannon J. Hackett,Tamaki Yuri
A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History
Shannon J. Hackett,1* Rebecca T. Kimball,2* Sushma Reddy,1* Rauri C. K. Bowie,1,3,4 Edward L. Braun,2 Michael J. Braun,5,6 Jena L. Chojnowski,2 W. Andrew Cox,2 Kin-Lan Han,2,5,6 John Harshman,1,7 Christopher J. Huddleston,5 Ben D. Marks,8 Kathleen J. Miglia,9 William S. Moore,9 Frederick H. Sheldon,8 David W. Steadman,10 Christopher C. Witt,8,11 Tamaki Yuri2,5
Deep avian evolutionary relationships have been difficult to resolve as a result of a putative explosive radiation. Our study examined 32 kilobases of aligned nuclear DNA sequences from 19 independent loci for 169 species, representing all major extant groups, and recovered a robust phylogeny from a genome-wide signal supported by multiple analytical methods. We documented well-supported, previously unrecognized interordinal relationships (such as a sister relationship between passerines and parrots) and corroborated previously contentious groupings (such as