此研究结果发表在最新出版的《公共科学图书馆 综合》(PLoS ONE)杂志上。研究人员在文章中写道:“此单个克鲁麦农人携带mtDNA排序,mtDNA在现代欧洲人中普遍存在,而尼安德特人则不具备,证明2.8万年前欧洲人的系谱是从克鲁麦农人进化到现代欧洲人的。”
PLoS ONE,doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002700,David Caramelli,Guido Barbujani
A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequence Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences
David Caramelli1, Lucio Milani1, Stefania Vai1,2, Alessandra Modi1, Elena Pecchioli3, Matteo Girardi3, Elena Pilli1, Martina Lari1, Barbara Lippi4, Annamaria Ronchitelli5, Francesco Mallegni4, Antonella Casoli6, Giorgio Bertorelle2, Guido Barbujani2*
1 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy2 Dipartimento di Biologia ed Evoluzione , Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy3 Centro di Ecologia Alpina Fondazione Edmund Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone, Trento, Italy4 Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy5 Dipartimento di Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali , Università di Siena, Siena, Italy6 Dipartimento di Chimica Generale e Inorganica, Chimica Analitica, Chimica Fisica, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy
DNA sequences from ancient speciments may in fact result from undetected contamination of the ancient specimens by modern DNA, and the problem is particularly challenging in studies of human fossils. Doubts on the authenticity of the available sequences have so far hampered genetic comparisons between anatomically archaic (Neandertal) and early modern (Cro-Magnoid) Europeans.
Methodology/Principal Findings
We typed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable region I in a 28,000 years old Cro-Magnoid individual from the Paglicci cave, in Italy (Paglicci 23) and in all the people who had contact with the sample since its discovery in 2003. The Paglicci 23 sequence, determined through the analysis of 152 clones, is the Cambridge reference sequence, and cannot possibly reflect contamination because it differs from all potentially contaminating modern sequences.
The Paglicci 23 individual carried a mtDNA sequence that is still common in Europe, and which radically differs from those of the almost contemporary Neandertals, demonstrating a genealogical continuity across 28,000 years, from Cro-Magnoid to modern Europeans. Because all potential sources of modern DNA contamination are known, the Paglicci 23 sample will offer a unique opportunity to get insight for the first time into the nuclear genes of early modern Europeans.