与该研究结果相一致,西双版纳植物园生物入侵生态学研究组的另一项研究也表明两种外来入侵植物的比叶面积高于它们的同属本地种(Biological Invasions,2008,10:891—902),但在另外两项研究中,这种规律未得到证实(Physiologia Plantarum,2008,132:350—358; 133: 318-326)。高的比叶面积也在很多其它入侵植物上得到证明。因此,这一易于测定的叶片性状可能被用于预测外来植物的入侵潜力。由于很多外来入侵植物源于有意引入的观赏植物,因此引种前分析比叶面积有利于减少引进入侵植物的可能性,引种后避免培育高比叶面积的品种等也能降低引入物种成为入侵物种的风险。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Planta,Volume 228,383-390, Yu-Long Feng,Yu-Long Zheng
Specific leaf area relates to the differences in leaf construction cost, photosynthesis, nitrogen allocation, and use efficiencies between invasive and noninvasive alien congeners
Yu-Long Feng1 , Gai-Lan Fu1 and Yu-Long Zheng1
(1) Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 88 Xuefu Road, Kunming, 650223, China
Received: 21 January 2008 Revised: 20 March 2008 Accepted: 25 March 2008 Published online: 6 April 2008
Abstract Comparisons between invasive and native species may not characterize the traits of invasive species, as native species might be invasive elsewhere if they were introduced. In this study, invasive Oxalis corymbosa and Peperomia pellucida were compared with their respective noninvasive alien congeners. We hypothesized that the invasive species have higher specific leaf (SLA) than their respective noninvasive alien congeners, and analyzed the physiological and ecological consequences of the higher SLA. Higher SLA was indeed the most important trait for the two invaders, which was associated with their lower leaf construction cost, higher nitrogen (N) allocation to photosynthesis and photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE). The higher N allocation to photosynthesis of the invaders in turn increased their PNUE, N content in photosynthesis, biochemical capacity for photosynthesis, and therefore light-saturated photosynthetic rate. The above resource capture-, use- and growth-related traits may facilitate the two invaders’ invasion, while further comparative studies on a wider range of invasive and noninvasive congeners are needed to understand the generality of this pattern and to fully assess the competitive advantages afforded by these traits.