此弗罗伦纳品种的巨型陆龟学名为“Geochelone elephantopus”,是150年前消失了的四种巨型陆龟中的一种。加拉帕戈斯陆龟以个头巨大闻名,因形似大象也叫象龟。它们也是世界上最长寿的乌龟,野生龟寿命可达150年至200年。目前,还有另外11种巨型陆龟生活在加拉帕戈斯群岛。这是世界上最大的乌龟,可重达287公斤。就在查尔斯?达尔文进行加拉帕戈斯群岛之行时,他发现弗罗伦纳陆龟数量明显下降。此行之后15年,这种陆龟就神秘消失了。
PNAS,doi: 10.1073/pnas.0805340105,Nikos Poulakakis,Adalgisa Caccone
Historical DNA analysis reveals living descendants of an extinct species of Galápagos tortoise
Nikos Poulakakis, Scott Glaberman, Michael Russello, Luciano B. Beheregaray, Claudio Ciofi, Jeffrey R. Powell, and Adalgisa Caccone
Giant tortoises, a prominent symbol of the Galápagos archipelago, illustrate the influence of geological history and natural selection on the diversification of organisms. Because of heavy human exploitation, 4 of the 15 known species (Geochelone spp.) have disappeared. Charles Darwin himself detailed the intense harvesting of one species, G. elephantopus, which once was endemic to the island of Floreana. This species was believed to have been exterminated within 15 years of Darwin's historic visit to the Galápagos in 1835. The application of modern DNA techniques to museum specimens combined with long-term study of a system creates new opportunities for identifying the living remnants of extinct taxa in the wild. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite data obtained from museum specimens to show that the population on Floreana was evolutionarily distinct from all other Galápagos tortoise populations. It was demonstrated that some living individuals on the nearby island of Isabela are genetically distinct from the rest of the island's inhabitants. Surprisingly, we found that these “non-native” tortoises from Isabela are of recent Floreana ancestry and closely match the genetic data provided by the museum specimens. Thus, we show that the genetic line of G. elephantopus has not been completely extinguished and still exists in an intermixed population on Isabela. With enough individuals to commence a serious captive breeding program, this finding may help reestablish a species that was thought to have gone extinct more than a century ago and illustrates the power of long-term genetic analysis and the critical role of museum specimens in conservation biology.