本期封面所示为彩色的慈鲷鱼Pundamilia nyererei 和 Pundamilia pundamilia以及一种野生的中间形态(图片最上边),背景为不同水深处的光谱。
现在,对维多利亚湖中的慈鲷鱼所做观测研究,揭示了导致(通过自然和性别选择进行的、由感官驱动的)物种形成过程的视觉系统趋异演化(表现为视觉基因的分化、雄性的彩色化和雌性的喜好)的生态及分子基础。感官驱动假说预测,感觉和信号系统中对不同环境的趋异适应,可在种群的第二接触点(secondary contact)上引起交配前隔离(premating isolation)。
Nature 455, 620-626 (2 October 2008) | doi:10.1038/nature07285
Speciation through sensory drive in cichlid fish
Ole Seehausen, Yohey Terai, Isabel S. Magalhaes, Karen L. Carleton, Hillary D. J. Mrosso, Ryutaro Miyagi, Inke van der Sluijs, Maria V. Schneider, Martine E. Maan, Hidenori Tachida, Hiroo Imai & Norihiro Okada
Theoretically, divergent selection on sensory systems can cause speciation through sensory drive. However, empirical evidence is rare and incomplete. Here we demonstrate sensory drive speciation within island populations of cichlid fish. We identify the ecological and molecular basis of divergent evolution in the cichlid visual system, demonstrate associated divergence in male colouration and female preferences, and show subsequent differentiation at neutral loci, indicating reproductive isolation. Evidence is replicated in several pairs of sympatric populations and species. Variation in the slope of the environmental gradients explains variation in the progress towards speciation: speciation occurs on all but the steepest gradients. This is the most complete demonstration so far of speciation through sensory drive without geographical isolation. Our results also provide a mechanistic explanation for the collapse of cichlid fish species diversity during the anthropogenic eutrophication of Lake Victoria.