研究人员报告说,一组新近发现的蓝菌则反其道而行之,它只专注于固氮,而无需生产氧气和固定碳所需的遗传学机器。这些微生物在海洋中含量丰富,而生物固氮在控制海洋中的生物生产能力及碳通量上非常重要。因此,现在可能有必要对目前的地球上氮气和碳循环的模型进行重新评估。Jonathan Zehr及其同僚分离出了这种所谓的“UCYN-A”蓝菌并分析了该种生物的基因组。他们发现,这种蓝菌的基因型是从前在非共生蓝菌中所未知的,它们在基因上无法进行产生氧气的光合作用。一个始料未及的情况是,氧气对固氮酶(即催化固氮反应的酶)实际上是有毒的。其它已知固氮蓝菌是多细胞的生物并演化出了一系列的方略来避免使其固氮酶被氧气毒化。另一方面,UCYN-A是一种单细胞的生物,它看来用只以氮气作为标靶已经解决了这一问题。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science 14 November 2008: 1110-1112.
Globally Distributed Uncultivated Oceanic N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria Lack Oxygenic Photosystem II
Jonathan P. Zehr, Shellie R. Bench, Brandon J. Carter, Ian Hewson, Faheem Niazi, Tuo Shi, H. James Tripp, and Jason P. Affourtit
Biological nitrogen (N2) fixation is important in controlling biological productivity and carbon flux in the oceans. Unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacteria have only recently been discovered and are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical seas. Metagenomic analysis of flow cytometry–sorted cells shows that unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacteria in "group A" (UCYN-A) lack genes for the oxygen-evolving photosystem II and for carbon fixation, which has implications for oceanic carbon and nitrogen cycling and raises questions regarding the evolution of photosynthesisand N2 fixation on Earth.