据11月20日的《科学》(Science)杂志报道说,诸如涂鸦等社会失序的存在会使人违反社会规范的意愿增加。Kees Keizer及其同事在荷兰的Groningen进行了6个实验,这些实验旨在测试当人们在看到其他人蔑视社会规范的情形时,他们是否也会更加容易蔑视社会规范。
Science,DOI: 10.1126/science.1161405,Kees Keizer,Linda Steg
The Spreading of Disorder
Kees Keizer 1*, Siegwart Lindenberg 1, Linda Steg 1
1 Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Imagine that the neighborhood you are living in is covered with graffiti, litter, and unreturned shopping carts. Would this reality cause you to litter more, trespass or even steal? A thesis known as the Broken Windows Theory suggests that signs of disorderly and petty criminal behavior trigger more disorderly and petty criminal behavior, thus causing the behavior to spread. This may cause neighborhoods to decay and the quality of life of its inhabitants to deteriorate. For a city government this may be a vital policy issue. But does disorder really spread in neighborhoods? So far there has not been strong empirical support, and it is not clear what constitutes "disorder" and what may make it spread. In this article, we generate hypotheses about the spread of disorder and test them in six field experiments. We found that when people observe that others violated a certain social norm or legitimate rule, they are more likely to violate even other norms or rules, which causes disorder to spread.