美国加利福尼亚州蒙特利湾水族研究所的布鲁斯·罗毕逊(Bruce Robison)和基姆·赖森比彻勒(Kim Reisenbichler)使用该研究所的有缆水下机器人(ROVs)研究管眼鱼的生活特征。在加州海湾2000-2600英尺深处,有缆水下机器人的照相机拍摄到管眼鱼在水中悬浮静止状态,在水下机器人明亮光线的照射下,管眼鱼的眼睛释放出生动的绿色。这段视频揭示了管眼鱼之前未曾被描述的显著特征——它的眼睛周围是充满液体的透明头部外壳,这一区域位于这种鱼头部顶端。然而更吸引人的是,当它从深海中用渔网捕捞后,其头部并不呈现透明充满液体,或许是它在渔网中挣扎时透明的头部易于损伤。
Copeia Volume 2008, Issue 4 (December 2008) DOI: 10.1643/CG-07-082
Macropinna microstoma and the Paradox of Its Tubular Eyes
Bruce H. Robison1 and Kim R. Reisenbichler1
The opisthoproctid fish Macropinna microstoma occupies lower mesopelagic depths in Monterey Bay and elsewhere in the subarctic and temperate North Pacific. Like several other species in the family, Macropinna has upward-directed tubular eyes and a tiny, terminal mouth. This arrangement is such that in their upright position, the visual field of these highly specialized eyes does not include the mouth, which makes it difficult to understand how feeding takes place. In situ observations and laboratory studies reveal that the eyes of Macropinna can change position from dorsally-directed to rostrally-directed, which resolves the apparent paradox. The eyes are contained within a transparent shield that covers the top of the head and may provide protection for the eyes from the tentacles of cnidarians, one of the apparent sources of the food of Macropinna.
1 Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, 7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, California