来源:M. Friedman, University of Chicago and Field Museum
Viviane Callier及其同僚对我们星球上的最早的四足动物进行了仔细的观察后发现,Ichthyostega(鱼石螈)随着它们年龄的增加,其上臂骨的位置会发生缓慢的变化。 这一发现表明,在它们的整个生命历程中,其上臂发生了功能性的变化,而且Ichthyostega 在年幼的时候会在水中生活更多的时间并在其生命的后期移往陆地之上,这使得它们成为已知的最喜欢在水中生活的四足动物。 过去,研究人员相信Acanthostega(棘鱼石螈)是在化石记录中最像鱼的陆地动物,但这一有关Ichthyostega 迁徙前肢的新发现表明,Ichthyostega 应该在进化树上占有一个更基底的位置,而其它的种系(如Acanthostega)可能是从Ichthyostega 所进化而来,而非反过来的情景。 研究人员总结说,他们已经捕捉到了在水生环境到陆地环境之间发育转变的最老的化石证据。 Matt Friedman在一篇Perspective中对这些发现进行了更详细的解释。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science 17 April 2009:DOI: 10.1126/science.1167542
Contrasting Developmental Trajectories in the Earliest Known Tetrapod Forelimbs
Viviane Callier,1* Jennifer A. Clack,1 Per E. Ahlberg2
Ichthyostega and Acanthostega are the earliest tetrapods known from multiple near-complete skeletons, with Acanthostega generally considered the more primitive. New material indicates differing ontogenetic trajectories for their forelimbs: In Ichthyostega, the pattern of muscle attachment processes on small humeri (upper arm bones) resembles that in "fish" members of the tetrapod stem group such as Tiktaalik, whereas large humeri approach (but fail to attain) the tetrapod crown-group condition; in Acanthostega, both small and large humeri exhibit the crown-group pattern. We infer that Ichthyostega underwent greater locomotory terrestrialization during ontogeny. The newly recognized primitive characteristics also suggest that Ichthyostega could be phylogenetically more basal than Acanthostega.
1 University Museum of Zoology Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK.
2 Subdepartment of Evolutionary Organismal Biology, Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Norbyv?gen 18A, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.