据6月12日的《科学》杂志报道说,植物和飞行动物已经发展出了在飞行中得到提升的相同的空气动力学诀窍。 现在,春季已经降临北半球,像枫树这样的树木正在向空中释放出成群的“直升飞机”样的种子,这些种子在它们着陆之前会发生旋转。 如果在这些种子下落的过程中正好有风吹过,则风可以将这些种子携至远距离之处,提高了这些种子找到一个在未被其它树木占据的土地上生长的机会。
David Lentink及其同僚现在发现,由于在这些种子的纸样翼翅之上出现了空气的盘旋,这些直升飞机样的种子可争取到更多的在空中飞行的时间。 正如最近的研究显示,这种被称作“前缘涡流”的盘旋空气对飞行中的昆虫、蝙蝠、可能还有鸟都起着同样的作用。 Lentink及其同僚首先制造了一个在一个矿物油罐中由一个机器人臂所控制的种子模型,并测试了当该模型种子下落的时候在油中所产生的涡流。 接着,他们拍摄了真的枫树种子在一个充满烟的风洞中的旋转情况。他们发现,这些种子所产生的涡流与那些昆虫、蝙蝠和蜂鸟在扑翼时所产生的涡流有着相似的结构。 文章的作者提示,他们的发现可能会给新的诸如降落伞或直升飞机等旋转式交通工具的设计带来灵感。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science 12 June 2009:DOI: 10.1126/science.1174196
Leading-Edge Vortices Elevate Lift of Autorotating Plant Seeds
D. Lentink,1,* W. B. Dickson,2 J. L. van Leeuwen,1 M. H. Dickinson2
As they descend, the autorotating seeds of maples and some other trees generate unexpectedly high lift, but how they attain this elevated performance is unknown. To elucidate the mechanisms responsible, we measured the three-dimensional flow around dynamically scaled models of maple and hornbeam seeds. Our results indicate that these seeds attain high lift by generating a stable leading-edge vortex (LEV) as they descend. The compact LEV, which we verified on real specimens, allows maple seeds to remain in the air more effectively than do a variety of nonautorotating seeds. LEVs also explain the high lift generated by hovering insects, bats, and possibly birds, suggesting that the use of LEVs represents a convergent aerodynamic solution in the evolution of flight performance in both animals and plants.
1 Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University, 6709 PG Wageningen, Netherlands.
2 Bioengineering and Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.