英国爱丁堡大学研究人员在新一期美国《进化与人类行为》(Evolution and Human Behavior)杂志上报告说,他们找到了1932年英国数百名11岁大的儿童智商测试的数据,然后又为其中还健在的200多名老人在79岁和83岁时进行了智商测试,并对他们的脸部进行了摄像分析。
Evolution and Human Behavior doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2009.06.001
Symmetric faces are a sign of successful cognitive aging
Lars Penkeab, Timothy C. Batesa, Alan J. Gowab, Alison Pattiea, John M. Starrab, Benedict C. Jonesc, David I. Perrettd, Ian J. Dearyab
It has been proposed that a common cause underlies individual differences in bodily and cognitive decline in old age. No good marker for this common cause has been identified to date. Here, fluctuating asymmetry (FA), an indicator of developmental stability that relates to intelligence differences in young adults, was measured from facial photographs of 216 surviving members of the Lothian Birth Cohort 1921 at age 83 and related to their intelligence at ages 11, 79 and 83 years. FA at age 83 was unrelated to intelligence at ages 11 and 79 and to cognitive change between 11 and 79 years. It was, however, associated with intelligence and information processing efficiency at age 83 and with cognitive change between 79 and 83 years. Significant results were limited to men, a result predicted by sex differences in life history tradeoffs and life expectancy. Results were stronger when directional asymmetries were corrected in facial FA measures. Thus, FA is a candidate marker for the common cause of differential senescence.