据10月9日的《科学》杂志报道说,对像人类这样的胎盘哺乳动物或像袋鼠那样的有袋类哺乳动物的史前先祖的化石进行分析后发现,哺乳动物独特的中耳在进化的时候发生了消失及重新出现等多次的演化。 这种定义性的哺乳动物特性是以在胚胎期中耳与颚骨的分离以及Meckel软骨的丧失为特征的。
Qiang Ji及其同僚为了得出这些结论,他们对储放在中国河南地质博物馆中的白垩纪早期的哺乳动物Maotherium(或译:毛兽)的化石进行了分析。 该动物化石[属于一个会演变为有袋类及胎盘哺乳动物的种系]的中耳仍然与其颚骨融合,即使在该动物的先祖版本中,其中耳与其颚骨已经分离了。由于发育学的研究已经显示,中耳与颚骨的分离与发育时的多个基因及信号途径有关,因此这些研究人员提示,在子宫中的基因表达模式及变化可能导致了哺乳动物独特性的中耳早期的多次进化。
在一篇相关的Perspective中,Thomas Martin和 Irina Ruf更为详细地解释了这些发现。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science 9 October 2009:DOI: 10.1126/science.1178501
Evolutionary Development of the Middle Ear in Mesozoic Therian Mammals
Qiang Ji,1 Zhe-Xi Luo,2,* Xingliao Zhang,3 Chong-Xi Yuan,1 Li Xu3
The definitive mammalian middle ear (DMME) is defined by the loss of embryonic Meckel’s cartilage and disconnection of the middle ear from the mandible in adults. It is a major feature distinguishing living mammals from nonmammalian vertebrates. We report a Cretaceous trechnotherian mammal with an ossified Meckel’s cartilage in the adult, showing that homoplastic evolution of the DMME occurred in derived therian mammals, besides the known cases of eutriconodonts. The mandible with ossified Meckel’s cartilage appears to be paedomorphic. Reabsorption of embryonic Meckel’s cartilage to disconnect the ear ossicles from the mandible is patterned by a network of genes and signaling pathways. This fossil suggests that developmental heterochrony and gene patterning are major mechanisms in homplastic evolution of the DMME.
1 Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China.
2 Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.
3 Henan Geological Museum, Zhengzhou 450003, China.