近日,中科院动物研究所杨星科研究员领导的研究组以两种同域分布的专食性近缘跳甲为研究对象,基于种间杂交的数据,采用隔离指数(isolation indexes)分析法对可能导致生殖隔离的多个内、外因素进行了量化分析,并采用联合尺度检验法(joint-scaling test)和Castle–Wright estimator分析了产卵选择和后代发育指标的遗传规律,结果认为:虽然两种跳甲交配后生殖隔离不完善,但由于强烈的寄主专化而导致的交配前生殖隔离起到更为重要的作用,这为因生态隔离而导致的同域物种形成提供了可能;控制产卵选择和后代存活的基因主要表现为加性遗传模式(additive inheritance mode),控制产卵选择的基因多达30个,而控制后代在植物上存活的基因仅为3-4个,二者至少部分独立;同域物种形成需要严格的内外条件,生态因子和内在因素都可能在上述跳甲物种形成过程中起到作用。本研究为从多角度分析物种形成模式提供了新的思路。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Journal of Evolutionary Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01841.x
Reproductive barriers between two sympatric beetle species specialized on different host plants
XUE, H.-J.1; MAGALH?ES, S.2; LI, W.-Z.1; YANG, X.-K.1
Knowledge on interspecific pre- and post-zygotic isolation mechanisms provides insights into speciation patterns. Using crosses (F1 and backcrosses) of two closely related flea beetles species, Altica fragariae and A. viridicyanea, specialized on different hosts in sympatry, we measured: (a) the type of reproductive isolation and (b) the inheritance mode of preference and host-specific performance, using a joint-scaling test. Each species preferred almost exclusively its host plant, creating strong prezygotic isolation between them, and suggesting that speciation may occur at least partly in sympatry. Reproductive isolation was intrinsic between females of A. fragariae and either A. viridicyanea or F1 males, whereas the other crosses showed ecologically dependent reproductive isolation, suggesting ecological speciation. The genetic basis of preference and performance was at least partially independent, and several loci coded for preference, which limits the possibility of sympatric speciation. Hence, both ecological and intrinsic factors may contribute to speciation between these species.