大陆桥论的一个缺陷在于,当前生活在马达加斯加的哺乳动物群体规模较大的只有4种。它们是非洲大陆哺乳动物的远亲,体型相对较小。胡伯尔说: “如果非洲和马达加斯加之间存在一个大陆桥,为什么大象或者狮子这些大型哺乳动物没有前往马达加斯加呢?”除此之外,遗传证据也显示哺乳动物是一波一波来到马达加斯加的,并不具连续性,中间间隔时间长达数百万年。
Nature advance online publication 20 January 2010 | doi:10.1038/nature08706
Mammalian biodiversity on Madagascar controlled by ocean currents
Jason R. Ali1 & Matthew Huber2
1 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China
2 Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department and the Purdue Climate Change Research Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
Madagascar hosts one of the world’s most unusual, endemic, diverse and threatened concentrations of fauna1. To explain its unique, imbalanced biological diversity, G.?G.?Simpson proposed the ‘sweepstakes hypothesis’, according to which the ancestors of Madagascar’s present-day mammal stock rafted there from Africa2. This is an important hypothesis in biogeography and evolutionary theory for how animals colonize new frontiers1, 3, 4, 5, but its validity is questioned5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Studies suggest that currents were inconsistent with rafting to Madagascar9 and that land bridges provided the migrants’ passage5, 6, 7, 8. Here we show that currents could have transported the animals to the island and highlight evidence inconsistent with the land-bridge hypothesis. Using palaeogeographic reconstructions and palaeo-oceanographic modelling, we find that strong surface currents flowed from northeast Mozambique and Tanzania eastward towards Madagascar during the Palaeogene period, exactly as required by the ‘sweepstakes process’. Subsequently, Madagascar advanced north towards the equatorial gyre and the regional current system evolved into its modern configuration with flows westward10 from Madagascar to Africa. This may explain why no fully non-aquatic land mammals have colonized Madagascar since the arrival of the rodents and carnivorans during the early-Miocene epoch. One implication is that rafting may be the dominant means of overseas dispersal in the Cenozoic era when palaeocurrent directions are properly considered.