2005年,中科院昆明动物研究所鱼类组研究人员在小黑河(怒江二级支流)鱼类考察中采集到一种纹胸鮡属鱼类新种,其胸附着器发达并向前延伸至鳃颊部和颏部,不同于国内已记载的所有纹胸鮡属鱼类的附着器类型(附着器均终止于鳃峡部)。在整个纹胸鮡属鱼类中,只有两种具有与该新种类似的胸附着器结构。分别是分布于印度恒河水系的印度纹胸鮡Glyptothorax indicus和分布于缅甸南部水系的纹颏纹胸鮡Glyptothorax rugimentum。该新种身体两侧具有不规则的斑纹,多数为斜向排列,故此命名为斜斑纹胸鮡-(Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus)。
这一新发现已在国际鱼类学核心刊物Environmental Biology of Fishes 2010年第2期上发表。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Environmental Biology of Fishes, DOI: 10.1007/s10641-009-9572-6
A new species of sisorid catfish genus Glyptothorax (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Salween drainage of Yunnan, China
Wan-Sheng Jiang1, 2, Xiao-Yong Chen1 and Jun-Xing Yang1
(1) State key laboratory of genetic resources and evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 32 Jiao Chang Dong Road, Kunming, Yunnan, 650223, People’s Republic of China
(2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 10039, People’s Republic of China
Abstract A new species of the genus Glyptothorax, Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus sp. nov. is described from the Xiaohei River, a tributary of the Nanting River, Salween drainage, in southwestern Yunnan province, China. This new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characteristics: unculiferous ridges of the thoracic adhesive apparatus extending anteriorly onto the gular region; body with irregular dark blotches scattered along lateral surface (blotches mostly oblique); skin smooth on head and body; dorsal spine smooth without serrations on its posterior margin; lips smooth; posterior margin of pectoral spine with 7–8 serrations; dorsal-fin base 11.0–13.2% SL; pectoral-fin length 15.6–19.6% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 8.6–9.8% SL; head width 19.1–24.0% SL; nasal barbel length 23.3–33.3% HL.