把盐碱地变成良田沃土,是人类自古至今的梦想,如今这个梦想离现实又近了一大步。近日,华东师范大学夏涛教授的课题组,通过基因改组技术创造了一种新的“钠氢逆向转运蛋白”,转入并表达这种新基因的植物,能够在高盐环境下正常生长,这也就意味着这种转基因植物有望成为盐碱地的 “死敌”。
JBC doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.073783
A novel plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene evolved by DNA shuffling confers improved salt tolerance in yeast
Kai Xu1, Hui Zhang1, Eduardo Blumwald2 and Tao Xia1,*
Plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporters play important roles in maintaining cellular ion homeostasis and mediating the transport of Na+ out of the cytosol and into the vacuole. Vacuolar antiporters have been shown to play significant roles in salt tolerance, however the relatively low Vmax of the Na+/H+ exchange of the Na+/H+ antiporters identified could limit its application in the molecular breeding of salt tolerant crops. In this study, we applied DNA shuffling methodology to generate and recombine the mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene AtNHX1. Screening using a large scale yeast complementation system identified AtNHXS1, a novel Na+/H+ antiporter. Expression of AtNHXS1 in yeast showed that the antiporter localized to the vacuolar membrane and that its expression improved the tolerance of yeast to NaCl, KCl, LiCl and hygromycin B. Measurements of the ion transport activity across the intact yeast vacuole demonstrated that the AtNHXS1 protein showed higher Na+/H+ exchange activity and a slightly improved K+/H+ exchange activity.