据国外媒体8月10日报道,英国皇家植物园乔德雷尔实验室的科学家通过研究发现,有些植物对环境变化的适应速度可能比之前认为的要快得多。这一发现刊登在近期的《分子生物学与进化》(Molecular Biology and Evolution)上。
领导该研究的Ovidiu Paun博士表示:“与遗传信息这个‘封闭’系统相反的是,环境能够改变个体种类的表观遗传背景,而个体通过这种方式产生适应能力也是与现有进化观点的一种互补。研究结果表明,达尔文所说的选择性不只是表现在内在基因信息,同时也以同样的方式表现在了表观遗传变化,从而使得物种只需经过几代遗传,就能很快地表现出与祖先不同的适应性”。
实验室负责人Mark Chase表示研究结果“让我们对植物的自适应能力有了信心”,但他也补充说,让濒危植物脱离原来的生存环境,移植到像植物园这样的类似环境,并不是最佳的保护策略,这有可能破坏植物固有的遗传特性,最好的办法还是让其野外生存。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi:10.1093/molbev/msq150
Stable epigenetic effects impact adaptation in allopolyploid orchids (Dactylorhiza: Orchidaceae)
Ovidiu Paun*,1,2, Richard M. Bateman3, Michael F. Fay1, Mikael Hedrén4, Laure Civeyrel5 and Mark W. Chase1
1 Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, U.K
2 Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna, Austria
3 Department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, U.K
4 Department of Ecology, Plant Ecology and Systematics, University of Lund, S?lvegatan 37, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden
5 Laboratoire d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, UMR 5245, Université de Toulouse, 31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France
Epigenetic information includes heritable signals that modulate gene expression but are not encoded in the primary nucleotide sequence. We have studied natural epigenetic variation in three allotetraploid sibling orchid species (Dactylorhiza majalis s.str, D. traunsteineri s.l. and D. ebudensis) that differ radically in geography/ecology. The epigenetic variation released by genome doubling has been restructured in species-specific patterns that reflect their recent evolutionary history, and have an impact on their ecology and evolution, hundreds of generations after their formation. Using two contrasting approaches that yielded largely congruent results, epigenome scans pinpointed epiloci under divergent selection that correlate with eco-environmental variables, mainly related to water availability and temperature. The stable epigenetic divergence in this group is largely responsible for persistent ecological differences, which then set the stage for species-specific genetic patterns to accumulate in response to further selection and/or drift. Our results strongly suggest a need to expand our current evolutionary framework to encompass a complementary epigenetic dimension when seeking to understand population processes that drive phenotypic evolution and adaptation.