云南省古生物研究重点实验室张喜光教授等题为 A Eucrustacean Metanauplius from the Lower Cambrian 的论文被Current Biology 杂志(影响因子:10.992)发表为封面文章,同期发表同行评议高等赞扬了张教授等的最新研究成果。
Orsten型化石是一类产自寒武纪和奥陶纪个体微小却十分珍贵的特异保存化石。这类化石最初由德国科学家K.J. Müller于上世纪60年代首次发现于瑞典奥斯坦地区,通常仅包含一些体型微小的胚胎和具外皮的动物(多为未成年个体),由于其外皮的磷酸盐化,所以这类标本能三维立体保存,特别是能够保存动物软体部分。这类化石以其精美细微的保存状态为研究后生动物早期演化提供了详尽的形态学和系统发育学证据。虽仅经历较短的研究历史,其精美的保存所携带的重要信息开拓出一些新的研究方向和领域,倍受相关学者的关注。
Current Biology 是生命科学研究领域的国际著名学术期刊,该项研究能作为封面文章发表,说明了张教授等在有关甲壳类动物的生长发育和演化取得的重大突破,并获得了国际同行的认可。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Current Biology doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.04.026
A Eucrustacean Metanauplius from the Lower Cambrian
An early metanauplius of Eucrustacea that lived about half a billion years ago
This larva is similar to modern crustacean larvae in morphology and lifestyle
Its appendages likewise functioned similarly in feeding and locomotion
The evolutionary stasis may result from adaptation to a long-lasting physical regime
A new eucrustacean arthropod, Wujicaris muelleri gen. et sp. nov, is represented by a Lower Cambrian early metanauplius of strikingly modern morphology despite being the oldest known fossil of such an early immature crustacean larva. The morphology of the metanauplius closely mirrors that of corresponding developmental stages of living barnacles and copepods [1,2], and it is likely that its appendages had a similar function for feeding and locomotion. The metanauplius larva demonstrates remarkable stasis in morphology, life history, and lifestyle of (small) eucrustaceans over 525 million years, probably as a result of adaptation to a long-lasting physical niche and regime involving low Reynolds numbers and laminar current flow [3].