据美国物理学家组织网报道,研究人员表示,6500万年前的恐龙灭绝为哺乳动物的体型快速增长铺平了道路,它们的体型比恐龙“在世”时增加了大约1000倍。研究发现刊登在声望极高的Science 杂志上。这项研究第一次证明了哺乳动物的体型在恐龙灭绝之后呈爆炸式增长趋势。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1194830
The Evolution of Maximum Body Size of Terrestrial Mammals
Felisa A. Smith1,*, Alison G. Boyer2, James H. Brown1, Daniel P. Costa3, Tamar Dayan4, S. K. Morgan Ernest5, Alistair R. Evans6, Mikael Fortelius7, John L. Gittleman8, Marcus J. Hamilton1, Larisa E. Harding9, Kari Lintulaakso7, S. Kathleen Lyons10, Christy McCain11, Jordan G. Okie1, Juha J. Saarinen7, Richard M. Sibly12, Patrick R. Stephens8, Jessica Theodor13 and Mark D. Uhen13
The extinction of dinosaurs at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary was the seminal event that opened the door for the subsequent diversification of terrestrial mammals. Our compilation of maximum body size at the ordinal level by sub-epoch shows a near-exponential increase after the K/Pg. On each continent, the maximum size of mammals leveled off after 40 million years ago and thereafter remained approximately constant. There was remarkable congruence in the rate, trajectory, and upper limit across continents, orders, and trophic guilds, despite differences in geological and climatic history, turnover of lineages, and ecological variation. Our analysis suggests that although the primary driver for the evolution of giant mammals was diversification to fill ecological niches, environmental temperature and land area may have ultimately constrained the maximum size achieved.