这一最新发现的恐龙物种,也被称为“韩国三角龙(Koreaceratops hwaseongensis)”,它们生活在距今1.03亿年前的白垩纪早期(著名的三角龙生活在0.65亿年前)。美国克利夫兰市国家历史博物馆脊椎古生物馆长迈克尔赖安(Michael J. Ryan)是合著作者之一,他说:“这种最新发现的恐龙物种填补了恐龙起源亚洲和首次出现在美洲之间的2000万年时间空隙。”他还指出,这是一项罕见的考古学发现,恐龙化石在朝鲜半岛并不多,但是恐龙蛋和足迹却较为普遍。
通过检测韩国三角龙的后趾,赖安和研究同事认为它是一种两足动物,并且奔跑速度非常快。赖安在一段网络视频采访中说:“它的尾部非常奇特,按身体比例计算,它的尾部比其它恐龙物种短许多。叫做髓弓(neural arches)的一串长脊椎骨从尾部突起,支撑起一个较大的扇形结构。”
Naturwissenschaften DOI: 10.1007/s00114-010-0739-y
The first ceratopsian dinosaur from South Korea.
Lee YN, Ryan MJ, Kobayashi Y.
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon, South Korea, ylee@kigam.re.kr.
In 2008, a new basal neoceratopsian was discovered in the Tando beds (Albian) of Tando Basin in South Korea. It represents the first ceratopsian dinosaur in the Korean peninsula and is assigned to Koreaceratops hwaseongensis gen. et sp. nov. Autapomorphies of Koreaceratops include very tall neural spines over five times higher than the associated centra in the distal caudals, and a unique astragalus divided into two fossae by a prominent craniocaudal ridge on the proximal surface. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that Koreaceratops is positioned between Archaeoceratops and all more derived neoceratopsians, and the elongation of caudal neural spines was an important derived character in non-ceratopsid neoceratopsians. The very tall caudal neural spines in Koreaceratops, Montanoceratops, Udanoceratops, Protoceratops, and Bagaceratops appear to be homoplasious, suggesting an independent adaptation, possibly for swimming. Skeletal evidence suggests that obligate quadrupedalism occurred gradually in neoceratopsians progressing from bipedal through facultative quadrupedalism, to complete quadrupedalism in Coronosauria.