梦幻鬼鱼(Guiyu oneiros)的正型标本是迄今为止全球最古老的保存完整的硬骨鱼乃至有颌脊椎动物化石,发现于云南曲靖至今四亿多年前的志留纪地层中。它的发现将有关包括人类在内的现生脊椎动物起源的探索从泥盆纪推向了更加久远的志留纪。鬼鱼的梦幻之处在于它身上汇集了有颌类动物的众多原始特征。这些特征过去分别出现在有颌类的不同类群中,并被认为是某个类群的衍生特征。梦幻鬼鱼所呈现的特征组合证明,某些类群的衍生特征其实只是有颌类的原始特征。这些认识的改变,最终将对有颌类谱系关系的解释产生深远影响。
Science China doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4089-6
Cranial morphology of the Silurian sarcopterygian Guiyu oneiros
(Gnathostomata: Osteichthyes)
QIAO Tuo1,2 & ZHU Min1*
1 Key Laboratory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044, China;
2 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Cranial morphological features of the stem-group sarcopterygian Guiyu oneiros Zhu et al., 2009 provided here include the dermal bone pattern and anatomical details of the ethmosphenoid. Based on those features, we restored, for the first time, the skull roof bone pattern in the Guiyu clade that comprises Psarolepis and Achoania. Comparisons with Onychodus, Achoania, coelacanths, and actinopterygians show that the posterior nostril enclosed by the preorbital or the preorbital process is shared by actinopterygians and sarcopterygians, and the lachrymals in sarcopterygians and actinopterygians are not homologous. The endocranium closely resembles that of Psarolepis, Achoania and Onychodus; however, the attachment area of the vomer possesses irregular ridges and grooves as in Youngolepis and Diabolepis. The orbito-nasal canal is positioned mesial to the nasal capsule as in Youngolepis and porolepiforms. The position of the hypophysial canal at the same level or slightly anterior to the ethmoid articulation represents a synapmorphy of the Guiyu clade. The large attachment area of the basicranial muscle indicates the presence of a well-developed intracranial joint in Guiyu.