进化论生物学家范玉霆(Van Ngoc Thinh)在一次新闻发布会上解释说:“每一只长臂猿都有它自己特异的歌声,但是,和人类一样,在同一地区的长臂猿的歌声有地区相似性。”
这项发表在英国医学委员会《BMC进化生物学》(BMC Evolutionary Biology)期刊上的研究集中研究了6种冠长臂猿的歌声结构,特别注意了其中最接近的4种。研究记录了来自24个不同地区、92支猿群的400多只雄性和雌性长臂猿的歌声。
BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:36 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-36
Concordance between vocal and genetic diversity in crested gibbons
Van Ngoc Thinh , Chris Hallam , Christian Roos and Kurt Hammerschmidt
Gibbons or small apes are, next to great apes, our closest living relatives, and form the most diverse group of contemporary hominoids. A characteristic trait of gibbons is their species-specific song structure, which, however, exhibits a certain amount of inter- and intra-individual variation. Although differences in gibbon song structure are routinely applied as taxonomic tool to identify subspecies and species, it remains unclear to which degree acoustic and phylogenetic differences are correlated. To trace this issue, we comparatively analyse song recordings and mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence data from 22 gibbon populations representing six of the seven crested gibbon species (genus Nomascus). In addition, we address whether song similarity and geographic distribution can support a recent hypothesis about the biogeographic history of crested gibbons.
The acoustic analysis of 92 gibbon duets confirms the hypothesised concordance between song structure and phylogeny. Based on features of male and female songs, we can not only distinguish between N. nasutus, N. concolor and the four southern species (N. leucogenys, N. siki, N. annamensis, N. gabriellae), but also between the latter by applying more detailed analysis. In addition to the significant correlation between song structure and genetic similarity, we find a similar high correlation between song similarity and geographic distance.
The results show that the structure of crested gibbon songs is not only a reliable tool to verify phylogenetic relatedness, but also to unravel geographic origins. As vocal production in other nonhuman primate species appears to be evolutionarily based, it is likely that loud calls produced by other species can serve as characters to elucidate phylogenetic relationships.