星云湖是云南九大高原湖泊之一,属富营养化湖泊,其分布有很多云南特有的鲤科物种。其中大头鲤Cyprinus pellegrini由于其特有性及珍贵性,已被列为国家II级保护动物。近年来,星云湖外来物种入侵较为严重,了解目前星云湖土著鲤鱼种群构成和生存状态,可对星云湖土著鲤鱼种群保护提供重要的理论依据。
杨君兴研究员课题组(杨博,陈小勇,杨君兴)整理了最近几年在星云湖中采集到的鲤鱼样本,并将之与中国科学院昆明动物研究所鱼类标本库的馆藏标本进行了比对。形态学分析显示:最近几年间采集到的“大头鲤”标本介于大头鲤和普通鲤鱼之间,与星云湖其他鲤鱼均无形态学重合;但线粒体基因序列分析结果显示:采集到的大部分鲤鱼与大头鲤同源性较高,其余部分鲤鱼则和其他地区鲤鱼序列同源性较高。结合相关历史资料分析表明:目前星云湖中的纯种大头鲤已经灭绝;由于星云湖中已经引入多种来源的外来鲤鱼,该湖中的现生鲤鱼多为大头鲤及多种鲤鱼的杂交后代,来源包括原产黑龙江的鲤鱼Cyprinus carpio haematopterus、元江的华南鲤Cyprinus rubrofuscus、锦鲤、欧洲的鲤鱼等。相关研究结果已发表于国际知名保护生物学期刊。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Biological Invasions(2011) DOI: 10.1007/s10530-010-9793-9
Non-native carp of the genus Cyprinus in Lake Xingyun, China, as revealed by morphology and mitochondrial DNA analysis
Bo Yang, Xiaoyong Chen and Junxing Yang
Lake Xingyun is a major body of water in Yunnan Province, China. Previous investigations suggested that the lake contained native populations of carp of the genus Cyprinus, but it is believed that these native populations disappeared due to overfishing. However, one or more Cyprinus species are currently abundant in Lake Xingyun but their identity and origin are unclear. To determine if the existing Cyprinus population is indeed non-native, we compared the morphologies of fish (n = 62) recently captured (2007) to museum preserved Cyprinus collected in the lake in the 1960s. In addition, we conducted mitochondrial DNA analyses of Cyprinus (n = 65) recently taken from the lake and found 28 haplotypes. The genetics of the lake’s sample were compared to Cyprinus from a wide range of other locations within and outside China. Together with previously published Japanese and Eurasian haplotypes, phylogenetic analysis demonstrated 28 haplotypes and these were classified into five different units. One of the five units included 16 closely related haplotypes that formed a monophyletic group apart from the Eurasian clade. Given their monophyly that included 3 native carp haplotypes, haplotypes from this unit were thought to originate from the native strain of Lake Xingyun. Furthermore, combining this with result from morphological analysis, it was concluded that these haplotypes were likely hybrid carp. Conversely, haplotypes from the other 4 units nested into the Eurasian clade. Their phylogenetic affinities to Eurasian lineages indicated that these haplotypes were domesticated strains introduced from other parts of China, Vietnam and Europe. These conclusions were supported by historical records on introduction. This study revealed that almost all carp from current Lake Xingyun may be originated from hybrid strains and domesticated strains introduced from Eurasia.
Keywords Biological invasion - Morphological analysis - D-loop - Native strain - Hybrid