研究人员发现,一种东非蜘蛛(Evarcha culicivora,如上图)会被你的臭袜子所吸引。通过向这些蜘蛛提供一双连续穿了12个小时的袜子以及一双同样的从未穿过的袜子,研究人员发现,这些蛛形纲动物更喜欢人脚的气味。幸运的是,蜘蛛的气味探测的进化很可能没有发现人类,而是抓住了携带着人血的蚊子。研究人员在2月15日的《生物学快报》网络版上报告了这一发现。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Biol. Lett. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.1233
Olfaction-based anthropophily in a mosquito-specialist predator
Fiona R. Cross1,2,* and Robert R. Jackson1,2
Evarcha culicivora is an unusual salticid spider because it feeds indirectly on vertebrate blood by choosing blood-carrying mosquitoes as preferred prey. Its preferred mosquitoes are Anopheles, the genus to which all human malaria vectors belong. Here, we show that human odour, which is known to be salient to malaria vectors, is also salient to the adults and juveniles of E. culicivora. Test spiders spent more time in the vicinity of a source of human odour (previously worn socks) when the alternative was unworn socks