松柏类,例如今天的柏树、道格拉斯冷杉和巨型红杉能够结出两类球花:释放花粉的细长的雄球花,以及储藏种子的硕大的雌球花。远古的松柏类同样会结出这两类球花,然而美国耶鲁大学的古植物学家Andrew Leslie注意到,它们都很苗条和不事张扬,就像今天的雄球花。
并未参与此项研究的耶鲁大学植物进化生物学家Peter Crane指出:“这是一个相当惊人的模式,现在有人把它提了出来。”不过,他说,人们不应该急于责备蜥脚类恐龙。“我不认为我们应该忘记早期的鸟类和哺乳动物。”
Proc. R. Soc. B doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.2648
Predation and protection in the macroevolutionary history of conifer cones
Andrew B. Leslie*
Conifers are an excellent group in which to explore how changing ecological interactions may have influenced the allocation of reproductive tissues in seed plants over long time scales, because of their extensive fossil record and their important role in terrestrial ecosystems since the Palaeozoic. Measurements of individual conifer pollen-producing and seed-producing cones from the Pennsylvanian to the Recent show that the relative amount of tissue invested in pollen cones has remained constant through time, while seed cones show a sharp increase in proportional tissue investment in the Jurassic that has continued to intensify to the present day. Since seed size in conifers has remained similar through time, this increase reflects greater investment in protective cone tissues such as robust, tightly packed scales. This shift in morphology and tissue allocation is broadly concurrent with the appearance of new vertebrate groups capable of browsing in tree canopies, as well as a diversification of insect-feeding strategies, suggesting that an important change in plant–animal interactions occurred over the Mesozoic that favoured an increase in seed cone protective tissues.