亚马逊流域Cephalotes atratus蚂蚁可利用臀部和腿部控制滑翔方向,实现安全着陆
美国加利福尼亚州大学伯克利分校研究员尤娜坦-穆克(Yonatan Munk)称,其它滑翔物种具有一些身体特征可解释其“潜在的空气动力学”,例如:松鼠的尾部和蛇摆动的躯体。但如果你看到这种蚂蚁,你不会相信它们具有空中滑翔能力,肯定会从空中直线坠落。
据悉,穆克用4年时间旅行亚马逊河流域,细致充分地研究这种树栖蚂蚁“Cephalotes atratus”。使用特殊设计的垂直风洞,他和同事们能够拍摄和分析该蚂蚁控制滑翔的精确性动作。
Proceedings of The Royal Society B:Biological Sciences doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0170
Aerial manoeuvrability in wingless gliding ants (Cephalotes atratus)
Stephen P. Yanoviak, Yonatan Munk, Mike Kaspari and Robert Dudley
In contrast to the patagial membranes of gliding vertebrates, the aerodynamic surfaces used by falling wingless ants to direct their aerial descent are unknown. We conducted ablation experiments to assess the relative contributions of the hindlegs, midlegs and gaster to gliding success in workers of the Neotropical arboreal ant Cephalotes atratus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Removal of hindlegs significantly reduced the success rate of directed aerial descent as well as the glide index for successful flights. Removal of the gaster alone did not significantly alter performance relative to controls. Equilibrium glide angles during successful targeting to vertical columns were statistically equivalent between control ants and ants with either the gaster or the hindlegs removed. High-speed video recordings suggested possible use of bilaterally asymmetric motions of the hindlegs to effect body rotations about the vertical axis during targeting manoeuvre. Overall, the control of gliding flight was remarkably robust to dramatic anatomical perturbations, suggesting effective control mechanisms in the face of adverse initial conditions (e.g. falling upside down), variable targeting decisions and turbulent wind gusts during flight.