最近一项研究发现,有很多瓢虫都会沦为寄生蜂——瓢虫茧蜂的受害者。目前已经发现瓢虫茧蜂为什么会把瓢虫当作孵卵器,巫毒瓢虫(zombie ladybugs)会对黄蜂易受攻击的幼虫起到保护作用,令食肉动物远离它们,增加它们幸存下来的可能性。
黄蜂的寄生方式早就受到科学家关注,它们并不是昆虫界唯一一种采用这种方式的昆虫。例如,寄生蜂Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga会在Plesiometa argyra蜘蛛的体内产卵。然后幼虫会咬破寄主的身体钻出来。寄主的心智也会被寄生虫牢牢控制住。被感染的P.argyra蜘蛛在死亡前,会在合适地点为黄蜂幼虫织出一张蛛网。被特定菌类感染的巫毒蚂蚁会在森林里四处游荡,直到正午它们才会停下来,用嘴死死咬住叶脉,把自己固定住。
Biology Letters DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0415
The cost of a bodyguard
Fanny Maure, Jacques Brodeur, Nicolas Ponlet, Josée Doyon, Annabelle Firlej, éric Elguero and Frédéric Thomas
Host manipulation by parasites not only captures the imagination but has important epidemiological implications. The conventional view is that parasites face a trade-off between the benefits of host manipulation and their costs to fitness-related traits, such as longevity and fecundity. However, this trade-off hypothesis remains to be tested. Dinocampus coccinellae is a common parasitic wasp of the spotted lady beetle Coleomegilla maculata. Females deposit a single egg in the haemocoel of the host, and during larval development the parasitoid feeds on host tissues. At the prepupal stage, the parasitoid egresses from its host by forcing its way through the coccinellid's abdominal segments and begins spinning a cocoon between the ladybird's legs. Remarkably, D. coccinellae does not kill its host during its development, an atypical feature for parasitoids. We first showed under laboratory conditions that parasitoid cocoons that were attended by a living and manipulated ladybird suffered less predation than did cocoons alone or cocoons under dead ladybirds. We then demonstrated that the length of the manipulation period is negatively correlated with parasitoid fecundity but not with longevity. In addition to documenting an original case of bodyguard manipulation, our study provides the first evidence of a cost required for manipulating host behaviour.