参与此项研究的维也纳大学(Vienna University)科学家桑德拉(Sandra Mikolasch)说:“两个不同但同样对非洲灰鹦鹉具有吸引力的食物被研究人员放在两个不透明的杯子下面,之后实验者悄悄取走其中一个食物并展示给鹦鹉看,然后把两只杯子放到鹦鹉的面前。”
研究人员将实验结果发表在英国皇家学会《生物书简》(the Royal Society journal Biology Letters)中,研究人员表示这只鸟是通过看到被取出的食物,利用排除法推测出哪个杯子是有食物的。在此前,只有猩猩被证明在相同的实验中能够运用逻辑推理能力。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Biology Letters DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0500
African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) use inference by exclusion to find hidden food
Sandra Mikolasch, Kurt Kotrschal and Christian Schloegl
Exclusion allows the detection of hidden food when confronted with the choice between an empty and a potentially baited food location. However, exclusion may be based on avoidance of the empty location without drawing inferences about the presence of the food in the baited location. So far, such inferences have been demonstrated in the great apes only: after seeing an experimenter eating one of two food types, which both had been hidden previously in two boxes, the apes were able to choose the box that still contained the other food type. African grey parrots are capable of exclusion, and we here assessed if they are capable of inference by exclusion. In our task, two different but equally preferred food items were hidden in full view of the birds under two opaque cups. Then, an experimenter secretly removed one food type and showed it to the bird. Similarly to the apes, one out of seven parrots significantly preferred the baited cup; control conditions rule out that its choice was based on associative learning or the use of olfactory cues. Thus, we conclude that—like the apes—some grey parrots are able to infer the location of a hidden food reward.