含有这些复眼化石的岩石里还有大量远古海洋生物化石,其中很多是以前未知的。它们包括像三叶虫的原始生物、披甲虫(armoured worms)和长着给食附属肢、会游泳的大型食肉动物。最近发现的这些化石复眼观察这个世界的像素超过3000,因此它们的拥有者在当时具有很大的视觉优势,因为同一时期的其他动物的像素大约只有100,看到的一切都非常模糊。
Nature doi:10.1038/nature10097
Modern optics in exceptionally preserved eyes of Early Cambrian arthropods from Australia
Michael S. Y. Lee, James B. Jago, Diego C. García-Bellido, Gregory D. Edgecombe, James G. Gehling & John R. Paterson
Despite the status of the eye as an “organ of extreme perfection”1, theory suggests that complex eyes can evolve very rapidly2. The fossil record has, until now, been inadequate in providing insight into the early evolution of eyes during the initial radiation of many animal groups known as the Cambrian explosion. This is surprising because Cambrian Burgess-Shale-type deposits are replete with exquisitely preserved animals, especially arthropods, that possess eyes3, 4, 5. However, with the exception of biomineralized trilobite eyes, virtually nothing is known about the details of their optical design. Here we report exceptionally preserved fossil eyes from the Early Cambrian (~515 million years ago) Emu Bay Shale of South Australia, revealing that some of the earliest arthropods possessed highly advanced compound eyes, each with over 3,000 large ommatidial lenses and a specialized ‘bright zone’. These are the oldest non-biomineralized eyes known in such detail, with preservation quality exceeding that found in the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang deposits. Non-biomineralized eyes of similar complexity are otherwise unknown until about 85 million years later6, 7. The arrangement and size of the lenses indicate that these eyes belonged to an active predator that was capable of seeing in low light. The eyes are more complex than those known from contemporaneous trilobites and are as advanced as those of many living forms. They provide further evidence that the Cambrian explosion involved rapid innovation in fine-scale anatomy as well as gross morphology, and are consistent with the concept that the development of advanced vision helped to drive this great evolutionary event.