北京时间7月27日消息,据澳大利亚媒体报道,科学家已经在月球背面发现火山活动的证据。该研究成果发表在《自然—地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)杂志上,这一最新发现是证明月表存在与小行星、流星或者彗星撞击事件无关的火山活动的罕见例子。
迄今为止月球上存在火山活动的最著名例子,位于这颗卫星正面一个被称作风暴洋克里普地带(Procellarum KREEP Terrane)的地方。华盛顿圣路易斯分校的布拉德利-乔利夫博士领导的一个科研组,利用美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器(LRO)获得的图像和其他数据,判断出月球背面一处被称作康普顿-贝尔库维奇钍异常(Compton-Belkovich thorium anomaly)的地方的化学成分。
格雷厄姆说:“这里的硅和钾含量比在月球其他地方的玄武岩火山活动地点看到的更高。这也是月表存在这么年轻的火山活动的第一手证据,这意味着这颗卫星在8亿年前仍存在地质活动,而非以前认为的超过12亿年前。截至这个月,我们第一次登陆月球距今已有42年,目前我们仍在不断获得新发现。这说明我们的确有理由把人类重新送上月球。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Non-mare silicic volcanism on the lunar farside at Compton-Belkovich
Bradley L. Jolliff; Sandra A. Wiseman; Samuel J. Lawrence; Thanh N. Tran; Mark S. Robinson; Hiroyuki Sato; B. Ray Hawke; Frank Scholten; Jürgen Oberst; Harald Hiesinger; Carolyn H. van der Bogert; Benjamin T.
Non-basaltic volcanism is rare on the Moon. The best known examples occur on the lunar nearside in the compositionally evolved Procellarum KREEP terrane. However, there is an isolated thorium-rich area—the Compton–Belkovich thorium anomaly—on the lunar farside for which the origin is enigmatic. Here we use images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Cameras, digital terrain models and spectral data from the Diviner lunar radiometer to assess the morphology and composition of this region. We identify a central feature, 25 by 35 km across, that is characterized by elevated topography and relatively high reflectance. The topography includes a series of domes that range from less than 1 km to more than 6 km across, some with steeply sloping sides. We interpret these as volcanic domes formed from viscous lava. We also observe arcuate to irregular circular depressions, which we suggest result from collapse associated with volcanism. We find that the volcanic feature is also enriched in silica or alkali-feldspar, indicative of compositionally evolved, rhyolitic volcanic materials. We suggest that the Compton–Belkovich thorium anomaly represents a rare occurrence of non-basaltic volcanism on the lunar farside. We conclude that compositionally evolved volcanism did occur far removed from the Procellarum KREEP terrane.