天文学家是在分析2009年升空的红外太空望远镜“广角红外测量探测器”探测数据时找到上述小行星的。今年4月,他们利用设在夏威夷的加拿大-法国-夏威夷望远镜观测证实,它就是地球的特洛伊小行星。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Earth’s Trojan asteroid
Martin Connors; Paul Wiegert; Christian Veillet
It was realized in 1772 that small bodies can stably share the same orbit as a planet if they remain near ‘triangular points’ 60° ahead of or behind it in the orbit1. Such ‘Trojan asteroids’ have been found co-orbiting with Jupiter2, Mars3 and Neptune4. They have not hitherto been found associated with Earth, where the viewing geometry poses difficulties for their detection5, although other kinds of co-orbital asteroid (horseshoe orbiters6 and quasi-satellites7) have been observed8. Here we report an archival search of infrared data for possible Earth Trojans, producing the candidate 2010 TK7. We subsequently made optical observations which established that 2010 TK7 is a Trojan companion of Earth, librating around the leading Lagrange triangular point, L4. Its orbit is stable over at least ten thousand years.