来自中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、美国自然历史博物馆(American Museum of Natural History)等处的研究人员通过分析出土于我国辽西的化石,发现了哺乳动物如何进化出灵敏听力,这一研究成果公布在Nature杂志上。
据《文汇报》报道,比起现生哺乳动物的听骨,这种动物的下颌关节骨虽然已经脱离了下颌的齿骨,但个头还有点大,不过已与听骨非常接近。同时,它还连接在骨化的麦氏软骨上,尚未完全进入头骨——这是非常难得的发现。由于软骨在化石中难以保存,动物死亡后,会随肌肉等一起腐烂消失。因此,尽管早在1870年,古生物学家就在化石上注意到了麦氏软骨生长的沟痕,却不知道那到底是肌肉、神经,还是血管留下的。而现生哺乳动物的麦氏软骨只存在于胚胎发育过程中,待下颌骨发育完成后,就自动消失了。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Transitional mammalian middle ear from a new Cretaceous Jehol eutriconodont
Jin Meng; Yuanqing Wang; Chuankui Li
The transference of post-dentary jaw elements to the cranium of mammals as auditory ossicles is one of the central topics in evolutionary biology of vertebrates. Homologies of these bones among jawed vertebrates have long been demonstrated by developmental studies; but fossils illuminating this critical transference are sparse and often ambiguous. Here we report the first unambiguous ectotympanic (angular), malleus (articular and prearticular) and incus (quadrate) of an Early Cretaceous eutriconodont mammal from the Jehol Biota, Liaoning, China. The ectotympanic and malleus have lost their direct contact with the dentary bone but still connect the ossified Meckel’s cartilage (OMC); we hypothesize that the OMC serves as a stabilizing mechanism bridging the dentary and the detached ossicles during mammalian evolution. This transitional mammalian middle ear narrows the morphological gap between the mandibular middle ear in basal mammaliaforms and the definitive mammalian middle ear (DMME) of extant mammals; it reveals complex changes contributing to the detachment of ear ossicles during mammalian evolution.