至于尾椎上留下齿痕的食草龙,研究人员在由《古地理学·古气候学·古生态学》(Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology)期刊网络版刊载的论文中认定,那是一只成年“釜庆龙”,即1.2亿年前左右生活在朝鲜半岛的一类四足食草龙。
恐龙齿痕化石去年12月底由白寅成及其同事在位于朝鲜半岛东南部的河东郡发掘获得,属于在韩国境内的首次发现。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Diverse tooth marks on an adult sauropod bone from the Early Cretaceous, Korea
In Sung Paika, , , Hyun Joo Kima, Jong Deock Limb, Min Huhc and Ho Il Leea
Although carnivorous dinosaurs probably engaged in both predation and scavenging, it has been suggested that the tyrannosaurids were uniquely scavengers. The fossil record of bone damage resulting from predation by carnivorous theropod dinosaurs is sparse, and it is often difficult to determine whether tooth-marks were produced through predation or scavenging. In this study unusual tooth-marks on a caudal vertebra of an adult sauropod from the Lower Cretaceous Hasandong Formation, Korea, which are the deepest and longest scores ever documented, are described. In addition to these tooth-marks, small tooth-strike lesions, including shallow gouges and divots, are present on the same bone. These tooth-marks provide insight into the feeding behaviour of dinosaurs that scavenged the bodies of large, adult dinosaurs. The presence of both large and small tooth-marks on a single bone suggests that theropods of different sizes or kinds exploited the same adult sauropod carcass to deflesh it and/or to obtain bone nutrients, in a manner identical to that of modern carnivores.