该项目的主要设计者朱敏说:“目前的研究只是揭开了冰山的一角。随着对盔甲鱼脑内颅的深入研究,我们将全面讨论有颌类其他特征的演化,逐步揭开有颌脊椎动物的起源之谜,重建早期脊椎动物的演化框架。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Fossil jawless fish from China foreshadows early jawed vertebrate anatomy
Zhikun Gai; Philip C. J. Donoghue; Min Zhu; Philippe Janvier; Marco Stampanoni
Most living vertebrates are jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), and the living jawless vertebrates (cyclostomes), hagfishes and lampreys, provide scarce information about the profound reorganization of the vertebrate skull during the evolutionary origin of jaws1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The extinct bony jawless vertebrates, or ‘ostracoderms’, are regarded as precursors of jawed vertebrates and provide insight into this formative episode in vertebrate evolution8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Here, using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomography15, 16, we describe the cranial anatomy of galeaspids, a 435–370-million-year-old ‘ostracoderm’ group from China and Vietnam17. The paired nasal sacs of galeaspids are located anterolaterally in the braincase, and the hypophyseal duct opens anteriorly towards the oral cavity. These three structures (the paired nasal sacs and the hypophyseal duct) were thus already independent of each other, like in gnathostomes and unlike in cyclostomes and osteostracans (another ‘ostracoderm’ group), and therefore have the condition that current developmental models regard as prerequisites for the development of jaws1, 2, 3. This indicates that the reorganization of vertebrate cranial anatomy was not driven deterministically by the evolutionary origin of jaws but occurred stepwise, ultimately allowing the rostral growth of ectomesenchyme that now characterizes gnathostome head development1, 2, 3.