然而根据日前美国《科学》杂志网络版的报道,德国林道市马普学会太阳系研究所的天文学家H. Sierks及其研究团队认为,这颗121千米长的小行星最有可能是现今已知的1万多颗小行星中,第一颗被认为是在46亿年前一道形成行星的一颗完整无损的小行星体。
司琴星是人类发现的第21颗小行星,于1852年11月15日被发现。司琴星的质量为1.3×1018千克,公转周期为1387.902天。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
The Surface Composition and Temperature of Asteroid 21 Lutetia As Observed by Rosetta/VIRTIS
Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Erard, S.; Arnold, G.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Filacchione, G.; Tosi, F.; Barucci, M. A.; Capria, M. T.; Ammannito, E.; Grassi, D.; Piccioni, G.; Giuppi, S.; Bellucci, G.; Benkhoff, J.; Bibring, J. P.; Blanco, A.; Blecka, M.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Carraro, F.; Carlson, R.; Carsenty, U.; Cerroni, P.; Colangeli, L.; Combes, M.; Combi, M.; Crovisier, J.; Drossart, P.; Encrenaz, E. T.; Federico, C.; Fink, U.; Fonti, S.; Giacomini, L.; Ip, W. H.; Jaumann, R.; Kuehrt, E.; Lange
The Visible, InfraRed, and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on Rosetta obtained hyperspectral images, spectral reflectancemaps, and temperature maps of the asteroid 21 Lutetia. No absorption features, of either silicates or hydrated minerals, havebeen detected across the observed area in the spectral range from 0.4 to 3.5 micrometers. The surface temperature reachesa maximum value of 245 kelvin and correlates well with topographic features. The thermal inertia is in the range from 20 to30 joules meter?2 kelvin?1 second?0.5, comparable to a lunarlike powdery regolith. Spectral signatures of surface alteration, resulting from space weathering,seem to be missing. Lutetia is likely a remnant of the primordial planetesimal population, unaltered by differentiation processesand composed of chondritic materials of enstatitic or carbonaceous origin, dominated by iron-poor minerals that have not sufferedaqueous alteration.