中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所王世骐副研究员及邓涛研究员研究了临夏盆地早更新世龙担地点的真马——埃氏马(Equus eisenmannae)化石。这一批材料采自龙担剖面的上下两个层位。研究发现,通过与现生真马属(Equus)物种之间的区别相比较,上下层化石在形态学上的差异并未超过现生真马之间的差异,因此应归为同一种,但至少在脑颅在头骨之间相对比例增大这一点上,却体现了真马进化的同共趋势。最新一期的《古脊椎动物学期刊》(Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,2011年第6期)刊发了该项研究成果。
埃氏马的化石出现在龙担剖面的上下个层位,下层古地磁年龄约为2.55 Ma,上层古地磁年龄约为2.16-1.85 Ma之间。这为研究真马这一重要的物种在50万年左右这一较微小的时间尺度上的演化提供了良好的材料。为了精确提取形态相近的两个类群之间的统计学差异,研究者采用了多元统计分析的方法,找到了上下两个层位化石间那些统计学上最显着的形态学差异,并且引入几种不同的现代真马的统计学差异做为衡量指标。综合头骨、下颌、第三掌骨、第三跖骨的结果表明,上下两个层位化石间的统计学距离——Mahalanobis距离并没有超过几种现代真马之间的距离,因此,上下两个层位的化石因归入同一种——埃氏马。
Some evolutionary trends of Equus eisenmannae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) in the stratigraphic sequence of Longdan, China, in comparison to modern Equus
Shi-Qi Wanga & Tao Denga.
The investigation of the evolution and speciation of Equus in Eurasia is, despite the abundance of available material, often hampered by a lack of stratigraphic information. Here we present the results of our study of material belonging to Equus eisenmannae excavated from sequential ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ levels of the loess section at Longdan, China, which has been dated to ca. 2.55–1.85 Ma (early Nihewanian age). The morphological differences between fossils found in the ‘upper level’ and those from the ‘lower level’ were quantified using univariate and multivariate analyses. Quantitative variation among modern Equus is discussed in order to address issues of potential speciation events and evolutionary trends seen in the fossil material. We also discuss the evolutionary level of E. eisenmannae by comparing our sample with E. sanmeniensis. Results show that quantitative differences between fossils of E. eisenmannae from the different levels at Longdan approximate and do not exceed intraspecific variation among modern species of Equus, although the variation is smaller than in the extant species E. hemionus. Thus, no sufficient evidence of speciation within the two sequential levels could be found. However, some common evolutionary trends of modern Equus are evident in E. eisenmannae, even though E. eisenmannae is not considered the immediate ancestor of modern Equus.