当前,生物入侵已成为严重的环境问题,是全球变化的重要组成部分,入侵生态学尤其是与全球环境变化相结合,成为生态学研究的热点问题之一。杂志Biological Invasions 刊登了中科院西双版纳热带植物园生物入侵生态学组最新研究论文"Innate and evolutionarily increased advantages of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum over native E. japonicum under ambient and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations ”。
Innate and evolutionarily increased advantages of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum over native E. japonicum under ambient and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Yan Bao Lei, Yu Long Feng, Yu Long Zheng, Rui Fang Wang, He De Gong and Yi Ping Zhang
Both innate and evolutionarily increased ecophysiological advantages can contribute to vigorous growth, and eventually to invasiveness of alien plants. Little effort has been made to explore the roles of innate factors of alien plants in invasiveness and the effects of CO2 enrichment on alien plant invasions. To address these problems, we compared invasive Eupatorium adenophorum, its native conspecific, and a native congener (E. japonicum) under ambient and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Native E. adenophorum from Mexico grew slower than invasive E. adenophorum but faster than native E. japonicum under both CO2 concentrations. The faster growth rate of invasive E. adenophorum was associated with higher photosynthetic capacity and leaf area ratio. For invasive E. adenophorum, the higher photosynthetic capacity was associated with higher nitrogen (N) allocation to photosynthesis, which was related to lower leaf mass per area; the higher leaf area ratio was due to lower leaf mass per area and higher leaf mass fraction. Tradeoff between N allocations to photosynthesis versus defenses was found. CO2 enrichment significantly increased relative growth rate and biomass accumulation by increasing actual photosynthetic rate for all studied materials. However, the relative increase in growth was not significantly different among them. CO2 enrichment did not influence N allocation to photosynthesis, but increased N allocation to cell walls. The reduced leaf N content decreased N content in photosynthesis, explaining the down-regulation of photosynthetic capacity under prolonged elevated CO2 concentration. Our results indicate that both innate and evolutionary advantages in growth and related ecophysiological traits contribute to invasiveness of invasive E. adenophorum, and CO2 enrichment may not aggravate E. adenophroum’s invasion in the future.