近日,国际期刊Water International刊登了中科院地理科学与资源研究所的最新研究结果"Less water, more grain in dry Hebei Province, China ”。他们的研究结果表明中国的水资源可以保障中国的粮食安全。
以Lester Brown为首的研究人员,对中国的粮食安全产生了深刻的怀疑。他们认为,随着人口的持续增长和可耕地减少,尤其是水资源的短缺将导致中国粮食生产的下降、进而危及世界粮食安全。
中科院地理科学与资源研究所研究人员利用1978-2008年间分省的粮食产量数据和相关影响数据,定量分析灌溉用水和粮食产量之间的关系,否定了Lester Brown等人的不实之词,论证了中国的水资源可以保障中国的粮食安全。
Less water, more grain in dry Hebei Province, China
Jia Shaofeng,Ge Zhen, Fang Xing
Correlation analysis and a water productivity indicator are used to investigate the inverse relationship between increasing grain output and declining irrigation water use in Hebei Province, People's Republic of China, especially since 2003. A rapid improvement in water productivity more than offset the decline in available water even in one of the most water-stressed areas of north China. As long as this trend continues, there is little need for concern about a grain production crisis induced by water shortage.