12月8日,《科学》(Science)期刊上刊登的一项研究"Stop Signals Provide Cross Inhibition in Collective Decision-Making by Honeybee Swarms"表明:当寻找房子时,蜂群使用抑制信号,这一点类似于人类大脑做决定的过程。
对于蜜蜂而言,没有一个地方算得上家,每年,它们都必须找到新住址。苏塞克斯大学Francis Ratnieks 没有参与这项研究,他说:“这仅是蜂群社会性行为的一个事例,同时也反映出大脑和蜂群在做决定过程中的相同之处。”
澳大利亚悉尼大学Mary Myerscough 称:“每年春天,蜂群中大约2/3的成员脱离后组成新的蜂群,但是,成千上万的蜜蜂不会茫然出击,而是选择在树枝上等待,直到数百个“侦查蜂”探索到新住址——宽敞、中空的树。”
在调查潜在家庭住址后,每一个“侦查蜂”返回到蜂群,并在蜂群前通过摇摆舞报告住址状况。Myerscough 称,每一只蜜蜂不需要比较多个地址,只需拜访一处便知道一般住址和“五星宾馆”之间的差别。住址状况越好,它们跳的舞会越长、越欢快,因此能召集更多的蜜蜂。“侦查蜂”召集的蜜蜂数超过特定的阈值,它会获胜,蜂群会把蜂窝移到推荐的住址。
Stop Signals Provide Cross Inhibition in Collective Decision-Making by Honeybee Swarms
Thomas D. Seeley, P. Kirk Visscher, Thomas Schlegel, Patrick M. Hogan , James A. R. Marshall
Honeybee swarms and complex brains show many parallels in how they make decisions. In both, separate populations of units (bees or neurons) integrate noisy evidence for alternatives and when one population exceeds a threshold the alternative it represents is chosen. We show that a key feature of a brain—cross inhibition between the evidence-accumulating populations—also exists in a swarm as it chooses its nesting site. Nest-site scouts send inhibitory stop signals to other scouts producing waggle dances, causing them to cease dancing, and each scout targets scouts reporting sites other than her own. An analytic model shows that cross inhibition between populations of scout bees increases the reliability of swarm decision-making by solving the problem of deadlock over equal sites.