一项刊登在12月12日的ZooKeys杂志上的研究论文"At the lower size limit for tetrapods, two new species of the miniaturized frog genus Paedophryne (Anura, Microhylidae)"指出,巴布亚新几内亚发现两种新种青蛙,体型不及一粒M&M 巧克力豆。其中一种新种青蛙被称之为“Paedophryne dekot”(dekot在当地语中意为“很小”),身长大约在8.5到9毫米之间。另一种的皮肤疙疙瘩瘩,被称之为“P. verrucosa”(verrucosa在拉丁语中意为“长满疣”),身长在8.8到9.3毫米之间。
At the lower size limit for tetrapods, two new species of the miniaturized frog genus Paedophryne (Anura, Microhylidae)
Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
I describe two new species in the miniaturized microhylid frog genus Paedophryne from forests in southeastern Papua New Guinea. The first species is described on the basis of two specimens and exhibits female snout-vent length of 8.5–9.0 mm (no males known), whereas that of the second species, described on the basis of 12 specimens, is 8.8–9.3 mm, with males 8.1–8.9 mm. These frogs are smaller than the other two diminutive species described when the genus was recently erected, and they represent what are currently the smallest known species of tetrapods. The two species replace each other elevationally on the same mountain massif and occur in relative geographic proximity to the other named species of the genus. Females of both species contain only two enlarged ova, suggesting that they also possess clutch sizes at the extreme lower end of variation in frogs. All species of Paedophryne inhabit leaf litter, as seen for most other miniaturized anurans.