Nowack和 Grossman重点研究了一种阿米巴原虫(Paulinella chromatophora),它包含两个起源于一个内共生蓝细菌的室,但这是完全进化细胞器形成的早期阶段。
Trafficking of protein into the recently established photosynthetic organelles of Paulinella chromatophora
Eva C. M. Nowack ,Arthur R. Grossman
Endosymbiotic acquisition of bacteria by a protist, with subsequent evolution of the bacteria into mitochondria and plastids, had a transformative impact on eukaryotic biology. Reconstructing events that created a stable association between endosymbiont and host during the process of organellogenesis-including establishment of regulated protein import into nascent organelles-is difficult because they date back more than 1 billion years. The amoebaPaulinella chromatophora contains nascent photosynthetic organelles of more recent evolutionary origin (?60 Mya) termed chromatophores (CRs). After the initial endosymbiotic event, the CR genome was reduced to approximately 30% of its presumed original size and more than 30 expressed genes were transferred from the CR to the amoebal nuclear genome. Three transferred genes-psaE,psaK1, and psaK2-encode subunits of photosystem I. Here we report biochemical evidence that PsaE, PsaK1, and PsaK2 are synthesized in the amoeba cytoplasm and traffic into CRs, where they assemble with CR-encoded subunits into photosystem I complexes. Additionally, our data suggest that proteins routed to CRs pass through the Golgi apparatus. Whereas genome reduction and transfer of genes from bacterial to host genome have been reported to occur in other obligate bacterial endosymbioses, this report outlines the import of proteins encoded by such transferred genes into the compartment derived from the bacterial endosymbiont. Our study showcases P. chromatophora as an exceptional model in which to study early events in organellogenesis, and suggests that protein import into bacterial endosymbionts might be a phenomenon much more widespread than currently assumed