遭受自然灾害伤害的人精神上会紧张或是焦虑,最近一项研究证实:自然灾害会使人们在日常生活中犯更多的错误,一些错误甚至比较严重。来自坎特伯雷大学的研究人员William S. Helton、James Head等人通过研究地震或是其它自然灾害发生过后对受害人员认知能力的影响后,发现在受灾害影响后,我们错误往往会犯的更多。相关论文发表在Human Factors杂志上。
Earthquakes on the Mind: Implications of Disasters for Human Performance
William S. Helton
Objective: The present study explored the impact a natural disaster has on human performance.
Background: Previous research indicates that traffic accidents increase after disasters. A plausible explanation for this finding is that disasters induce cognitive disruption and this disruption negatively affects performance (e.g., driving quality).
Method: A total of 16 participants (7 men and9 women) performed a sustained-attention-to-response task before and after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake. Performance (errors of omission, errors of commission, and reaction time) was compared before and after the earthquake.
Results: Errors of omission increased after the earthquake. Changes in errors of commission and reaction times were, however, dependent on individual differences in stress response to the earthquake.
Conclusion: The results indicate that natural disasters may have a negative impact on performance.
Application: Communities need to be aware of the increased risk of accidents following disasters and develop countermeasures, including individualized assessment tools.