科学家发现,澳洲淡水龙虾红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)的牙齿被一种搪瓷所覆盖,与脊椎动物的有惊人类似处,这两种磷酸钙物质的显微结构非常相似,淡水小龙虾却独立地发育了这种极其坚硬的物质,因为会使它的牙齿特别坚硬。
Enamel-like apatite crown covering amorphous mineral in a crayfish mandible
Shmuel Bentov, Paul Zaslansky, Ali Al-Sawalmih, Admir Masic, Peter Fratzl, Amir Sagi, Amir Berman, Barbara Aichmayer
Carbonated hydroxyapatite is the mineral found in vertebrate bones and teeth, whereas invertebrates utilize calcium carbonate in their mineralized organs. In particular, stable amorphous calcium carbonate is found in many crustaceans. Here we report on an unusual, crystalline enamel-like apatite layer found in the mandibles of the arthropod Cherax quadricarinatus (freshwater crayfish). Despite their very different thermodynamic stabilities, amorphous calcium carbonate, amorphous calcium phosphate, calcite and fluorapatite coexist in well-defined functional layers in close proximity within the mandible. The softer amorphous minerals are found primarily in the bulk of the mandible whereas apatite, the harder and less soluble mineral, forms a wear-resistant, enamel-like coating of the molar tooth. Our findings suggest a unique case of convergent evolution, where similar functional challenges of mastication led to independent developments of structurally and mechanically similar, apatite-based layers in the teeth of genetically remote phyla: vertebrates and crustaceans.