近期,昆明动物所生态学与环境保护中心(ECEC)的研究人员结合metabarcoding、生态学、生物信息学和统计学,建立了一套环境科学研究的“生态—信息学(eco-informatic)”全新模式。该成果近期在线发表于国际期刊Methods in Ecology & Evolution上。
Metabarcoding监测法目前已被ECEC应用于马来西亚Sabah州的Lahad Datu、越南的Cuc Phuong和Vu Quang、英国的Thetford森林、中国的海南和西双版纳等多个国家和地区开展生物多样性监测。
Biodiversity soup: metabarcoding of arthropods for rapid biodiversity assessment and biomonitoring
Douglas W. Yu,Yinqiu Ji1, Brent C. Emerson, Xiaoyang Wang, Chengxi Ye, Chunyan Yang, Zhaoli Ding
1.?Traditional biodiversity assessment is costly in time, money and taxonomic expertise. Moreover, data are frequently collected in ways (e.g. visual bird lists) that are unsuitable for auditing by neutral parties, which is necessary for dispute resolution. 2.?We present protocols for the extraction of ecological, taxonomic and phylogenetic information from bulk samples of arthropods. The protocols combine mass trapping of arthropods, mass-PCR amplification of the COI barcode gene, pyrosequencing and bioinformatic analysis, which together we call ‘metabarcoding’. 3.?We construct seven communities of arthropods (mostly insects) and show that it is possible to recover a substantial proportion of the original taxonomic information. We further demonstrate, for the first time, that metabarcoding allows for the precise estimation of pairwise community dissimilarity (beta diversity) and within-community phylogenetic diversity (alpha diversity), despite the inevitable loss of taxonomic information inherent to metabarcoding. 4.?Alpha and beta diversity metrics are the raw materials of ecology and the environmental sciences, facilitating assessment of the state of the environment with a broad and efficient measure of biodiversity.