众所周知,恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)是最重要的灵长类实验动物之一,也是灵长类中最广布的类群,从西面的阿富汗到东面的中国沿海,从喜马拉雅山的南麓到印度中部,从中国的广大中南部到印支半岛中部的广阔区域都有分布。因而,恒河猴可能是研究高原形成与非人灵长类遗传结构相关影响的最佳模式生物。
Ecological Genetics of Chinese Rhesus Macaque in Response to Mountain Building: All Things Are Not Equal
Shan-Jin Wu equal contributor,Jing Luo equal contributor,Qing-Qing Li,Yan-Qin Wang,Robert W. Murphy,Christopher Blair,Shi-Fang Wu,Bi-Song Yue ,Ya-Ping Zhang
Pliocene uplifting of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and Quaternary glaciation may have impacted the Asian biota more than any other events. Little is documented with respect to how the geological and climatological events influenced speciation as well as spatial and genetic structuring, especially in vertebrate endotherms. Macaca mulatta is the most widely distributed non-human primate. It may be the most suitable model to test hypotheses regarding the genetic consequences of orogenesis on an endotherm.
Methodology and Principal Findings
Using a large dataset of maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA gene sequences and nuclear microsatellite DNA data, we discovered two maternal super-haplogroups exist, one in western China and the other in eastern China. M. mulatta formed around 2.31 Ma (1.51–3.15, 95%), and divergence of the two major matrilines was estimated at 1.15 Ma (0.78–1.55, 95%). The western super-haplogroup exhibits significant geographic structure. In contrast, the eastern super-haplogroup has far greater haplotypic variability with little structure based on analyses of six variable microsatellite loci using Structure and Geneland. Analysis using Migrate detected greater gene flow from WEST to EAST than vice versa. We did not detect signals of bottlenecking in most populations.
Analyses of the nuclear and mitochondrial datasets obtained large differences in genetic patterns for M. mulatta. The difference likely reflects inheritance mechanisms of the maternally inherited mtDNA genome versus nuclear biparentally inherited STRs and male-mediated gene flow. Dramatic environmental changes may be responsible for shaping the matrilineal history of macaques. The timing of events, the formation of M. mulatta, and the divergence of the super-haplogroups, corresponds to both the uplifting of the QTP and Quaternary climatic oscillations. Orogenesis likely drove divergence of western populations in China, and Pleistocene glaciations are likely responsible for genetic structuring in the eastern super-haplogroup via geographic isolation and secondary contact.