6月7日,记者从中科院西双版纳热带植物园获悉,为了解在气候变化下,植物能否跟上气候变化的脚步而生存下来,该园研究员Richard Corlett与澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织的David Westcott 教授合作,发现地球上绝大多数植物很可能并不能紧随气候变化速度,但云南地区情况可能稍好。该研究发表在《生态学与进化趋势》上。
Trends in Ecology & Evolution DOI:10.1016/j.tree.2013.04.003
Will plant movements keep up with climate change?
Richard T. Corlett1, , David A. Westcott2
In the face of anthropogenic climate change, species must acclimate, adapt, move, or die. Although some species are moving already, their ability to keep up with the faster changes expected in the future is unclear. ‘Migration lag’ is a particular concern with plants, because it could threaten both biodiversity and carbon storage. Plant movements are not realistically represented in models currently used to predict future vegetation and carbon-cycle feedbacks, so there is an urgent need to understand how much of a problem failure to track climate change is likely to be. Therefore, in this review, we compare how fast plants need to move with how fast they can move; that is, the velocity of climate change with the velocity of plant movement.