2013年6月19日讯 /生物谷BIOON/--近日,荷兰莱顿大学的Maurijn van der Zee 和他的同事通过基因的方法移除红色面粉甲虫(赤拟谷盗)胚胎中的卵膜的实验,表明昆虫在很大程度上依靠卵膜——一种防水膜,保护胚胎在受精卵内安全的生长发育。这对对防止昆虫胚胎被水淹死乃至全部灭绝灭绝或是至关重要的。该研究发表在Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences上。
卵膜密布于坚硬不透水的受精卵几丁质外壳下,能够阻止细胞内水的流动。在一项早期实验中,van der Zee 使用了一种叫做RNA干涉的技术来限制Tc-zen1基因的活性,而红色面粉甲虫的胚胎需要该基因的指导以合成卵膜。出乎他的意料,在无卵膜合成的情况下胚胎仍然成活。在莱顿大学的Chris Jacobs是该项研究成果的又一作者,他说,“这不得不让我们思考为什么这种昆虫还要费力去合成卵膜。”
Jacobs推测,进化的卵膜使这种古老的昆虫可以在陆地上的任何地方产卵,而不必仅限于像它们甲壳类亲属的水生生物栖息地。在这方面,卵膜好比羊膜,使一些脊椎动物打破水的限制的胚胎膜,,而他们的亲戚两栖类动物则没有这种膜。 “征服土地是要抵抗干燥,”Jacobs说。
Art Woods是密苏拉市蒙大拿大学的生理生态学家,他说“这是一系列非常精密的实验,一直以来昆虫的功能性结构都是个谜团。”
doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1082
The extraembryonic serosa protects the insect egg against desiccation
Chris G. C. Jacobs, Gustavo L. Rezende, Gerda E. M. Lamers and Maurijn van der Zee1
Insects have been extraordinarily successful in occupying terrestrial habitats, in contrast to their mostly aquatic sister group, the crustaceans. This success is typically attributed to adult traits such as flight, whereas little attention has been paid to adaptation of the egg. An evolutionary novelty of insect eggs is the serosa, an extraembryonic membrane that enfolds the embryo and secretes a cuticle. To experimentally test the protective function of the serosa, we exploit an exceptional possibility to eliminate this membrane by zerknüllt1 RNAi in the beetle Tribolium castaneum. We analyse hatching rates of eggs under a range of humidities and find dramatically decreasing hatching rates with decreasing humidities for serosa-less eggs, but not for control eggs. Furthermore, we show serosal expression of Tc-chitin-synthase1 and demonstrate that its knock-down leads to absence of the serosal cuticle and a reduction in hatching rates at low humidities. These developmental genetic techniques in combination with ecological testing provide experimental evidence for a crucial role of the serosa in desiccation resistance. We propose that the origin of this extraembryonic membrane facilitated the spectacular radiation of insects on land, as did the origin of the amniote egg in the terrestrial invasion of vertebrates.