研究还证实,台风的强度和移动速度、台风位置、降雨等都是影响海洋藻华的重要因素,但台风引起的海洋上层混合和上升流将底层富含营养盐的海水输送至真光层,是导致叶绿素水华出现的主要原因。台风的当地逗留时间、回旋时间可增强海洋涡旋状藻华,这为认识台风对海洋生态系统的影响提供了新信息。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Journal of Marine Systems Doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.04.010
A subsurface chlorophyll a bloom induced by typhoon in the South China Sea
H.J. Ye Y. Sui D.L. Tang, Y.D. Afanasyev
Previous studies showed that typhoons often induce chlorophyll a (Chl-a) blooms in the surface waters. This paper shows that Chl-a blooms can occur not only on the surface but also in the interior just above the thermocline after the passage of a typhoon. We used satellite and cruise survey data to analyze physical and biological characteristics in the South China Sea after the passage of the typhoon Nuri in August 2008. This paper shows that a subsurface (20 to 100 m depth) Chl-a bloom (1.31 ± 0.47 mg m−3) occurred and lasted
for three weeks, stronger and longer than the surface Chl-a bloom (0.48 ± 0.23 mg m−3
). The maximum value of Chl-a of 2.10 mg m−3 was detected at 50 m depth. This value was approximately 4–5 times higher than the background value of 0.48 mg m−3 measured at non blooming areas at the same time and about 7.5 times higher than the mean Chl-a value of 0.28 ± 0.13 mg m−3 measured over the period of five years. The mixed layer depth and the thickness of the Chl-a bloom increased after the typhoon. Our analysis clearly
shows that a subsurface upwelling caused by the passage of the typhoon, transported nutrients to the euphotic zone and supported the Chl-a bloom. These observations provide some insight on the effect of typhoons on marine ecosystems, especially as related to the Integrated Primary Production.