本期Nature Communications上发表的一篇研究论文报告说,北极海冰减少有可能会影响陆地生态系统的动态,而这又会直接影响草食性动物种群是否能够成功繁殖。
过去曾有人提出,因大气中CO2浓度增加而发生的海冰减少会对陆地生态系统造成影响。Jeffrey Kerby和Eric Post使用了为期11年的一个时间段中有关西格陵兰的气温和海冰多少的数据。然后,他们又使用了在同一时期的春季和夏季每天收集到的关于植物出现时间的数据和关于驯鹿繁殖生物学的数据,目的是在海冰多少与陆地生态系统的动态之间寻找任何可能的联系。作者将植物出现时间作为植物什么时候养分最多的近似值。吃幼小的、富有营养的植物,会增加后代存活的机会,因此将春天植物生长的时间与驯鹿繁殖进行匹配,对于这种驯鹿种群来说是必要的。然而,作者在驯鹿繁殖与植物出现时间之间发现了一个时间上的错配:2011年植物出现时间平均比2002年早16天,而与此同时驯鹿继续在一年的通常时间进行繁殖。这导致小驯鹿早期死亡率增加和繁殖率降低。
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms3514
Advancing plant phenology and reduced herbivore production in a terrestrial system associated with sea ice decline
Jeffrey T. Kerby& Eric Post
The contribution of declining Arctic sea ice to warming in the region through Arctic amplification suggests that sea ice decline has the potential to influence ecological dynamics in terrestrial Arctic systems. Empirical evidence for such effects is limited, however, particularly at the local population and community levels. Here we identify an Arctic sea ice signal in the annual timing of vegetation emergence at an inland tundra system in West Greenland. According to the time series analyses presented here, an ongoing advance in plant phenology at this site is attributable to the accelerating decline in Arctic sea ice, and contributes to declining large herbivore reproductive performance via trophic mismatch. Arctic-wide sea ice metrics consistently outperform other regional and local abiotic variables in models characterizing these dynamics, implicating large-scale Arctic sea ice decline as a potentially important, albeit indirect, contributor to local-scale ecological dynamics on land.